Sustainable tourism is a reality in Cambará do Sul

Glamping Parador has practices and initiatives that seek to promote local economic and social development

Sustainable Tourism is a trend that is increasingly being considered by travelers and put into practice by the hotel industry. Its concept, defined by the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), is one that meets the needs of tourists and also of the regions that receive them. In this sense, the segment has sought to promote local economic and social development, while conserving natural resources and maintaining the cultural integrity of the population, ensuring the long-term maintenance of the landscape and distributing the benefits of tourism to everyone.

And one such example is Parador - a place to connect and enjoy incredible natural scenery - in Cambará do Sul, home to Brazil's famous canyons and exuberant nature, which has several initiatives in this direction:

According to the resort's management, most of the materials used in the buildings are natural, such as stones from the region itself and wood from certified reforestation. The site has a solar power plant with the capacity to generate 100% of the energy consumed by the hotel;

Although the city of Cambará do Sul still doesn't have selective waste collection, Parador composts its organic waste, as well as separating waste. The resort values the local fauna and flora in its surroundings, with trails and educational events.

The water, on the other hand, is collected from the Camarinhas River, which runs through the hotel's property, and is treated at Parador's own Water Treatment Plant (ETA). According to the hotel's management, rainwater is not collected because the roofs of the cabins are made of natural straw or canvas. For sewage, the hotel has a filtering system and drains designed not to pollute the surrounding water and soil.

The hotel also values the town's small rural producers. The hotel has an organic vegetable garden and the cuisine, designed by chef Rodrigo Bellora, uses fresh, organic products from its own suppliers, thus boosting the local economy.

In the rooms, Parador opts for amenities in fixed dispensers, with replenishment of the products, trying to avoid the generation of plastic waste as much as possible, even using biodegradable packaging;

Another difference is that 100% of the workforce is local, valuing and training the Cambará community. Parador participates in social initiatives such as donating trousseaus, food and materials to NGOs and needy communities in the region, such as nursing homes and hospitals.

"We've adopted these practices because we understand that sustainable tourism is a concept that encompasses the complete tourist experience: in order to welcome our guests, we need to take good care of our surroundings and meet the needs of the community where we live," says Rafael Peccin, director of Casa Hotels.

Parador is a glamping-style hotel located in Cambará do Sul (RS), close to the national parks of Aparados da Serra and Serra Geral and their beautiful canyons. It offers comfortable accommodation in cabins, suites and cocoons. It is part of Casa Hotéis, a collection of charming hotels in Rio Grande do Sul that offers high standard accommodation and personalized service for guests.

Casa Hotels is a confirmed exhibitor at Festuris 2022