Festuris present at Lacte 18: event discussed diversity in the corporate travel and events market

Over two days of intense programming, there were four simultaneous content delivery stages.

Festuris center executive Telma Patta and Festuris transport and logistics manager Débora Dilkin took part in Lacte 18 on February 27 and 28 in São Paulo.

The event, organized by Alagev - the Latin American Association of Event Management and Corporate Travel, brought together around 1,300 people and addressed the social agenda, which is "urgent and in need of transformation", as the event points out, in order to propose greater racial equity and the leading role of black people in the corporate travel and events market.

According to Débora Dilkin, taking part in the event generated excellent networking. "It was also a great immersion in relevant content such as diversity, with a focus on the inclusion of black people in the job market and how to keep them integrated with the team," she says.

Over two days of intense programming, there were four simultaneous content delivery stages. "Speakers with mastery of the topic enchanted everyone in a visionary way on a subject that we need to address frequently," added Telma.