Discover the world's first smart destination - Smart City Benidorm in Spain

The case of the Spanish city of Benidorm will be presented to inspire and help Brazilian managers and destinations

Many tourist destinations want to evolve in terms of intelligence, but don't even know where to start. That's why Connection sought out a global benchmark in smart cities to guide Brazilian destinations to evolve in this area. Mário Villar is the Director of Tourism Intelligence at the Valencian Institute of Tourism Technologies (Invattur) and will be coming directly from Spain to speak at Connection, a content and experiences event taking place from May 11 to 13 in Gramado.

Mário played an innovative role in the city of Benidorm, in Spain, receiving the Intelligent Tourist Destination (ITD) certificate - the first in the world to achieve the title. To achieve this result, the city had to meet a series of requirements in terms of sustainability, accessibility, new technologies, innovation and leadership.

In the panel "Smart Cities: what the cities and destinations of the future will look like", the speaker will give details of this process using the case of Benidorm as a basis. The talk is suitable for public managers and technical teams from municipalities and states who want to make their destinations smart and improve their practices in this regard.

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