Entourage from Minas Gerais visits Serra Gaúcha through Festuris

Benchmarking trip brings together entrepreneurs and members of Minas Gerais' public sector

On May 25, 2022, Gramado welcomed an entourage of 12 people representing a larger group of 90 enterprises from Minas Gerais in the Veredas Circuit region, which is made up of 15 municipalities. During the benchmarking event, the group from Minas Gerais sought to learn about the management and operational aspects of Gramado, both from the local trade and from some tourist experiences.

The benchmarking trip to Serra Gaúcha is part of the project to Strengthen the Competitiveness of the Private Tourism Sector in partnership with Vale and technical execution by the Yara Tupynambá Institute. The project serves tourism enterprises in five municipalities in the region (Brumadinho, Igarapé, Mário Campos, São Joaquim de Bicas and Juatuba).

The partnership with the Festuris team was essential for the Minas Gerais delegation to get a taste of how one of Brazil's main tourist destinations works.