Porto Alegre City Council honors female entrepreneurship

The president of Afeet - Federative Association of Tourism Business Executives, Vânia Oliveira, received a tribute from the Porto Alegre City Council on the 23rd.

On July 23rd, Afeet Brasil - the Federative Association of Tourism Business Executives - was honored by the Porto Alegre City Council. The association's president, Vânia Oliveira, received the honor from the councillor who made the proposal, Kaká D'Ávila.

The parliamentarian believes that female entrepreneurship is becoming a new market reality all over the world. "It turns women into protagonists in sectors previously occupied only by men. It's an honour to be able to pay tribute to these women who empower female strength in various sectors of society," says Councillor Kaká D'Ávila.

About Afeet

The Association is affiliated to Fiaseet (International Federation of Associations of Tourism Business Executives), and is active in campaigns to combat the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in tourism, to empower women for equal opportunities between men and women, as well as pursuing the set of global goals to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity.