Afeet Brasil will be honored by the Porto Alegre City Council

Members of the association met at Festuris in 2021 - Disclosure

Afeet Brasil - the Federative Association of Tourism Business Executives - will receive a tribute from the Porto Alegre City Council on July 23rd, at the Med Gastro Giardino Restaurant.

The association has been made up of women entrepreneurs and executives in the tourism industry since 1983. According to its president, Vânia Oliveira, the association's aim is to promote cultural exchange, training and networking between the associations that make up its International Ibero-American Federation - Fiaseet. "In addition, the group focuses on the community, promoting various social initiatives, seeking responsible and safe tourism," says Vânia.

The proposal for the Honor of Merit was the initiative of Councillor Kaká D'Avila and was approved by the City Council. "This recognition of the actions carried out by the association is very important to us, validating our purpose and giving visibility to the project," says Vânia.

Afeet Brasil also works on campaigns to combat the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in tourism, female empowerment for equal opportunities between men and women, seeking to promote women's access to decision-making positions in business, politics, the media, culture and society, and seeks to follow the set of global goals to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity as part of the 2030 agenda.

PHOTO: Members of the association met at Festuris in 2021 - Disclosure