The importance of innovation and focusing on results in tourism planning

We know that tourism is made up of a broad and complex network of public and private organizations

We know that tourism is made up of a broad and complex network of public and private organizations, each of which plays an important role in the functioning of the places that receive visitors to consume goods and services related to the travel sector.
In Brazil, we have seen a relative advance in the process we call "tourist destination management", brought about by the growing capacity and professionalism of leaders and the maturing of the work of development and representation institutions, among which the role of Sebrae stands out from north to south of the country.
Despite the increase in the number of municipalities, regions and states that have planning and management processes for the development of the activity, when we consider the more than 2,500 tourist municipalities on the Regionalization Map, organized by the Ministry of Tourism, we find that the vast majority still do not have the minimum instruments to formulate and implement pragmatic and consistent public policies.
As a result, despite the effort and commitment of managers, tourism goes along to the tune of "let life take me", which leads to wasted time and resources in overcoming challenges and taking advantage of existing opportunities, depriving stakeholders - communities, businesses, tourists and governments - of the potential benefits that tourism can generate in contributing to the socio-economic development of territories.
Faced with these issues, we at Lab Turismo, a company with the purpose of "contributing to the transformation of Brazilian tourism by involving people and working towards more innovative and sustainable destinations and companies", developed MAPTUR - Mapa Estratégico para a Gestão do Turismo (Strategic Map for Tourism Management).
This methodology is the result of more than 20 years' experience in tourism planning, learning from successes as well as mistakes, thus making it possible to optimize and make more effective the process for innovative and strategic management in tourist destinations, providing the results expected by those involved.
MAPTUR makes it possible to draw up a municipal, regional or even a state tourism plan, using a unique methodology that involves Experience, Knowledge, Technology, Sharing, Practicality and an excellent Cost-Benefit ratio. In addition, it involves monthly mentoring for this construction and support for the implementation of the planned actions.